Email Validator

Email Validator will check that the email address is valid, andhas set up MX records which you can send email to. It does these checks the exact same way a real mail server would, taking code from the Haraka Mail Server.

Checks Performed:

  • Address parsing: Uses the standard RFC-2821 address syntax,including support for emails in angle-brackets.
  • MX Lookup: Checks that the address has MX records
  • A Lookup: If no MX records exist, checks for A records
  • Similarity: Checks if the domain is similar to populardomains (e.g. for '' will suggest '')

You can HTTP POST to this form and get JSON back:

curl --form ""

Try it out with this simple form:

Code Examples
var request = require('request'); // install via npm
    url: "",
    method: "POST",
    form: {email: ""},
    json: true
}, function (err, res, body) {
   if (body.valid) {
       // email is valid
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
uri  = URI.parse("");
http =, uri.port);
http.use_ssl = true;
res  =, URI.encode_www_form("email" => ""));
results = JSON.parse(res.body);
if (results['valid'])
    # email is valid
          { email: "" })
          .done(function (data) {
              if (data.valid) {
                  // email is valid
{ did_you_mean: [ '' ],
  address: '',
  valid: true,
   [ { priority: 0, exchange: '' },
     { priority: 0, exchange: '' } ],
  record_type: 'A' }